Demolition – Bracken Ridge
Ballard’s recently completed a shed demolition and concrete slab removal in the backyard of a home in Bracken Ridge, Brisbane. Here’s the demolition request received from the client…
We will be building a new shed on our property soon and require the currrent structure and slab removed, and also some earthworks to level out the area ready for the future work. Is it possible to arrange a quote at some point soon? Our property is in Bracken Ridge. We’ve had asbestos walls removed already.
We organised the building demolition approval for our client, as we like to make sure all is in order!
On receiving an Asbestos Report from client, to say that the site was clear of all asbestos (by an opposing contractor) – we arrived to see it was not free of asbestos. We were able to remove the leftover asbestos and made sure no asbestos was left onsite.
We have a diverse range of earthmoving and demolition equipment to pick and choose the best for the specifics required for the job.
The demolition operation was within a very tight parameter of space and from the photos you can see how tight it was to get the plant and machinery into the area.
As there was minimal room to work in, we were able to utilise one of our 18Metre steel bins. By having the bin in very close proximity to the demolition works, made it far more efficient and timely to load. As such, this lessened any impact on surrounding or grassed areas.
The demolition, loading and carting out was carried out in one day and our clients were very impressed, as per their comments below.
See our demolition page for more information about our demolition service.
We were extremely happy with the end result and wish to thank you, Tony and the team for everything – we now have a blank canvas to work with! Considering the junk attached to the old shed I was very happy with how tidy the site was left. We’re very impressed and appreciative!